●As a beginning Japanese textbook for a new generation, the concept of this book is self-discovery and connection with the world. It is packed full of language learning activities that include clear goal setting, topics appropriate to students’ knowledge level, and engagement with social media.
〈Unit 1 自分を再発見する Rediscovering myself〉
Lesson 1 アイです。はじめまして。 I’m Ai. Nice to meet you.
Lesson 2 しゅうまつになにをしますか。 What are you doing over the weekend?
Lesson 3 とうきょうでなにをしましたか。 What did you do in Tokyo?
〈Unit 2 まわりとつながる Connecting with others〉
Lesson 4 私もたこ焼きを一つください。 One takoyaki for me too, please!
Lesson 5 にゃんたがいません。 Nyanta is missing!
Lesson 6 今みんなで探しています。 We are all looking for him now.
Lesson 7 もっと時間がほしいです。 I want more free time.
〈Unit 3 世界に目を向ける Looking out into the world〉
Lesson 8 ちょっとお願いがあるんですが… I have a favor to ask of you...
Lesson 9 すごくこわかった! It was so scary!
Lesson 10 二人で花火を見に行きたかったけど… I wanted to go to watch the fireworks together, just the two of us, but...